Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Mary went home to be with the Lord this morning at 5:29am. She was comfortable and peaceful. She was surrounded by her loving family.

She fought a good long fight!

Thank you all for your prayers! Our family knows you are all mourning with us.

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Tuesday, November 23, 2010


Please pray! Mary is not doing well. We are on our way to the hospital right now, we do not know what entirely is going on, but we need your prayers now more then ever.

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Sunday, November 21, 2010

Pneumonia has put Mary in ICU.  She is on a respirator and they are keeping her sedated.  The results of her biopsy are not in yet because they have to grow cultures; hopefully we will have those results tomorrow.  Currently they are treating her for both viral and bacterial pneumonia until the results are in.   One of the three places that the pneumonia has set in is in the lining of her lungs at the nerve endings which has caused some pain.  They decided to sedate her to keep her out of pain and to help her body rest. 

We were told before my mom ever started her journey to get a transplant that it would get worse before it got better and unfortunately this is part of that process.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

The transplant yesterday went well.  Mary ended up having the transplant around 1pm yesterday afternoon, which was administered to her through an IV.  It took about 2 hours and she slept through most of it. Thank you for praying.  I know there were many prayers lifted for my mom yesterday.

Mary has a long road ahead of her, please pray for no rejection.  She has been experiencing a lot of pain since the transplant.  Tonight they did a scan and found pneumonia in three places in her lungs.  They will be doing a biopsy tomorrow to see if it is viral or bacterial in order to know how to treat it. She is currently on a morphine drip to help with the pain. 

Thank you for your continued prayers and support. 

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Transplant Day

Today is the Big Day!  Mary will receive her bone marrow transplant around 11am this morning.  We are praying for no rejection.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Last Chemo Treatment

Today we had a great visit with my mom. She finished her last chemo treatment this morning...which if all goes well could be her last chemo treatment ever! Yahoo! Now we just wait until her transplant which is still on schedule for Wednesday.

Her donor will be donating her bone marrow sometime on either Monday or Tuesday. She is not from this area, so her donation is due to arrive at City of Hope on Tuesday night. Mary will receive the transplant through an IV.
Please pray for her donor, that she will not get sick between now and when she is due to donate. Our family is so thankful for her willingness to donate, her kind act is saving a life :)

Friday, November 12, 2010

Day 5 of Chemo.... and Mary is in good spirits. Physically, she has been experiencing high fevers, being light headed and aching bones, leaving her very weak.  Always a hockey fan, she has been keeping herself busy watching Detroit Red Wing and  Buffalo Sabers games.  

The staff at City of Hope is wonderful. Each nurse is assigned to 3 patients, so she receives a lot of attention.  We are looking forward to this coming week, when my mom is due to start her transplant. 

Monday, November 8, 2010

Mary had a good day today. She checked into the hospital this morning. They ran a few tests, she got settled into her room and started chemo tonight. The transplant is scheduled to start on Wednesday, November 17th, however anything could change. My mom will not be able to meet her donor, however we do know she is a 21 year old female. Please keep her donor in your prayers as well.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Hello, this is Mary's daughter Jaime. It is my privilege to keep you updated on my mom's progress as she undergoes a bone marrow transplant. My mom will be traveling down to City of Hope in Duarte, California on November 7th. After a long battle with chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL), she will be undergoing a bone marrow transplant. Our family is so joyful for this opportunity....if all goes well she will be cancer free at the end of this. Thank you for following her progress, she is so grateful for all of your prayers and your loving support.