Thursday, November 18, 2010

The transplant yesterday went well.  Mary ended up having the transplant around 1pm yesterday afternoon, which was administered to her through an IV.  It took about 2 hours and she slept through most of it. Thank you for praying.  I know there were many prayers lifted for my mom yesterday.

Mary has a long road ahead of her, please pray for no rejection.  She has been experiencing a lot of pain since the transplant.  Tonight they did a scan and found pneumonia in three places in her lungs.  They will be doing a biopsy tomorrow to see if it is viral or bacterial in order to know how to treat it. She is currently on a morphine drip to help with the pain. 

Thank you for your continued prayers and support. 

1 comment:

  1. We're praying for you Mary.
    Love ya,
    Vic, Debbie, Sammy and Maddy Kundargi
