Sunday, November 21, 2010

Pneumonia has put Mary in ICU.  She is on a respirator and they are keeping her sedated.  The results of her biopsy are not in yet because they have to grow cultures; hopefully we will have those results tomorrow.  Currently they are treating her for both viral and bacterial pneumonia until the results are in.   One of the three places that the pneumonia has set in is in the lining of her lungs at the nerve endings which has caused some pain.  They decided to sedate her to keep her out of pain and to help her body rest. 

We were told before my mom ever started her journey to get a transplant that it would get worse before it got better and unfortunately this is part of that process.

1 comment:

  1. Oh heart is so heavy reading this this morning...praying for your mom to fight this pneumonia and for the doctors and nurses that are caring for her...that they know the best course of action...and for you, Justin and Uncle Norman...Love to all of you...

