Saturday, November 13, 2010

Last Chemo Treatment

Today we had a great visit with my mom. She finished her last chemo treatment this morning...which if all goes well could be her last chemo treatment ever! Yahoo! Now we just wait until her transplant which is still on schedule for Wednesday.

Her donor will be donating her bone marrow sometime on either Monday or Tuesday. She is not from this area, so her donation is due to arrive at City of Hope on Tuesday night. Mary will receive the transplant through an IV.
Please pray for her donor, that she will not get sick between now and when she is due to donate. Our family is so thankful for her willingness to donate, her kind act is saving a life :)

1 comment:

  1. Thats terrific news...Pat and I talk about you guys almost everyday, Mary. You are in our prayers and we'll say one for your donor also. Look forward to hearing your transplant went well and no problems. If theres anything you or Norm need please call...we love you...<3
